Proactive design for manufacturing (DFM)

Submitted by biomerics_dev on Wed, 07/27/2022 - 13:40

We eliminate the known pain points that can occur at every phase of product development. It’s critically important to ensure that your design will be able to be manufactured as intended. At both the concept and feasibility phases, the design goes through a development and prototype process to ensure the product is manufacturable as intended.

Our proactive DFM has these benefits:

Phase-gate approach

Submitted by biomerics_dev on Wed, 07/27/2022 - 13:36

We have developed and refined our product design approach over the past 25+ years of working with our customers. Our phase-gate approach divides the product design process into five phases:

Obtain clinical validation

Submitted by biomerics_dev on Wed, 07/27/2022 - 11:34

At the clinical validation stage, we establish that the device specifications conform to user needs and intended uses. We also conduct production readiness builds and finalize the risk management plan and production process documents.

High-level outputs